AwakEN into oneness. Together.


Sat Nam.

We are all one.

— Wisdom Traditions

We Help Us realize that you & i aren’t separate.

We are a nonprofit (UT #12076216-0140) based in Moab, Utah.

We encourage conscious connections to unified field energy (The One/Higher Self/etc.) & build social connection & communication among like-minded souls towards the health & wholeness of all.

We do this by providing free “by donation” wellness & educational opportunities.

We support health & wellness, community agriculture & sustainability, education & mentoring for people of all ages, communication & connection, and community living skills.

We provide spaces for creatives to share their gifts.

We curate high vibrational community gatherings.

Find out how you can participate.

Our Organization

Find out about our mission, methods, principles & current projects.

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