What We Do

Embodying the deepest, most authentic self. Awakening into Oneness. together.


Our Mission

We help people embody their deepest, most authentic Self, & realize the interconnectedness of all that is — Oneness.

We do this by offering free “by donation” wellness & educational opportunities.


“Even after all this time

The sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe Me.’

Look what happens with a love like that,

it lights up the whole sky.”

— Hafiz


Our core tenets

  • Radical personal responsibility.

  • Integrity.

  • Participation.

  • Gratitude.

  • Forgiveness.

  • Personal Growth & Development.

  • Reciprocity.

  • Nondualism. There is no separation. This is true even if we use dualist language or communicate ideas from a dualist perspective.

  • Sacred economics. On a deep level, money and consciousness are intertwined. We favor the gift economy, an abundance mindset, interdependency, symbiosis, cooperation, and the cycling of resources.

  • Sovereignty of mind-body-awareness. I am wholly responsible for my mind-body-awareness and any beings contained therein. I am free to explore my mind-body-awareness completely, through any and all Earthly, extraterrestrial, and extradimensional means. I am free to make sovereign decisions regarding my physical, mental, etheric, and nonphysical bodies, and any beings contained therein. My mind-body-awareness belongs to me alone.